şöminenin önüne boylu boyunca uzanmış
şarabi bir halet-i ruhiye kuşanmış
sonra kırmızı bir suskunluk hasıl oldu:
sana uzaklardan masallar getirdim dedim
geniş kırlar, mutlu papatyalar
ve gülümseyen göller...
avuçlarıma tırmanabilir misin?
diye sordum.
uzak bir ülkenin
sadece onun bildiği bir ırmağında
zamanı yüzdürüp gelmiş
gözleri doldu:
kadife yorgunluklarım var dedi
sararmış fotoğraflar, kurumuş karanfiller
ve parke taşlarında danseden iskarpinler
ışıkları kapatabilir misin?
diye sordu.
bu evdeki bütün renkler ölmüş
duvarlarda sadece sepya bir tuval
yağmur yağıyordu
gökyüzünde güneş var dedim ona
beyaz bir tirandil geçti camdan
sonra çocuklar, müzikler
ve ayrılıklar
paltonu çıkartabilir misin?
diye sordum
yüzünde çizgiler varmış
güzelliğini maziye dökmüş
zamanı içtim ağır ağır
avuçlarıma tırmandı
demir damlalara dönüştük
şöminede sepya bir tuval
saatler durmuş.
30 Eylül, Washington, DC
September 29, 2010
September 26, 2010
utandiran bir tadi olmali
tedirginlikten usengeclige gecisin
bosverislerden daha derin
kendine seyirci kalisin
ruzgarin onundeki
yaprak bile degilsin artik
hersey gecti
butun trenler gitti
tukendi zaman
acik kaldi yaran
beklemistim oysa
ne cok ne cok...
yarali bir hayvan oldum
yakalari kavusmayan sehir oldum
sonunda ruzgar oldum
gectim senden,
uzak bir kuzey gecesiyim simdi
alnimda mavi buz saraylari
ardimda yalazli bir yara
senin gibi
kizil ve kara...
26 Eylul, Washington DC
tedirginlikten usengeclige gecisin
bosverislerden daha derin
kendine seyirci kalisin
ruzgarin onundeki
yaprak bile degilsin artik
hersey gecti
butun trenler gitti
tukendi zaman
acik kaldi yaran
beklemistim oysa
ne cok ne cok...
yarali bir hayvan oldum
yakalari kavusmayan sehir oldum
sonunda ruzgar oldum
gectim senden,
uzak bir kuzey gecesiyim simdi
alnimda mavi buz saraylari
ardimda yalazli bir yara
senin gibi
kizil ve kara...
26 Eylul, Washington DC
September 24, 2010
Non-UN Peacekeeping Operations in the Middle East Revisited
by Kivanc Ozcan
This short article aims to develop a critical perspective on Mona Ghali’s article: Non-UN Peacekeeping Operations in the Middle East. As it is stated in Ghali’s study, the presence of the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) in the region dates back to 1982 when non-UN peacekeeping forces deployed in Sinai and Beirut.
To begin with, raising criticisms of the MFO in Sinai is possible with the critical reading of the Camp David Accords and the March 1979 Peace Treaty. Whereas Anwar Sadat inferred that the Accords resolved the return of the all lands confiscated after 1967, returning the Sinai to Egypt was sufficient for Menachem Begin. Apart from the ambiguous nature of the Accords, the last article of the 1979 treaty, which is based on the freedom of navigation in the Gulf of Suez, the Gulf of Aqaba and the Strait of Tiran, prioritizes Israeli economic and security interests.
Following the expiration of its mandate, UNEF II withdrew from the Sinai in 1979. Without mentioning why, Ghali argues that the UN forces were unproductive. The author also implies that an anticipated Soviet Union veto for the deployment of the UN force in Sinai was the main motive behind the creation of MFO. However, the reason behind potential Soviet Union veto remains intact.
The formation and structure of the MFO is another matter of debate. Mostly Anglo-Saxon countries and the U.S. dominated countries supported this initiative. The U.S appoints the Director General of the MFO. In addition to these, the military and economic contributions of the U.S. are far more than the other supporters. Also, the Observer Unit of MFO evolved from the U.S. Sinai Field Mission all members of which were U.S. citizens. So, provocative ideas such as that Egypt had become neo-imperialisms latest victim and that the MFO treaty is the subordination of Egyptian interests to US security interests should be reviewed.
Furthermore, the Protocol of August 1981 assured that the withdrawal of the MFO would require both parties’ approval. That is to say the withdrawal of an international force from Egyptian territory is impossible without the consent of another country. How would it be related to the concept of territorial sovereignty?
Without any doubt, President Sadat consciously changed the nature of the political climate between Egypt and its former Arab allies, and the image of his country, by becoming a U.S. ally. But how has the presence of the MFO in the Middle East changed the image of U.S. in the region? The Multinational Force (MNF) in Beirut may provide an answer for this question.
The first MNF successfully fulfilled its responsibility by evacuating Palestinian and Syrian fighters from Lebanon in 1982. However, the problems arose with the deployment of the MNF II. As its duties were not clearly set and its avoidance of the sui generis conditions of Lebanese society, the MNF II became one of the fighting sides in the country.
However, it was predictable that American and French-dominated structure of the MNF II might escalate the tensions in this ethnically diverse and politically polarized country, and jeopardize the impartiality of the force. The author rightly quotes from Kamal Salibi that the tension between Arabism and Lebanism was the main pillar of the conflict in Lebanon. Therefore, the deployment of French forces, which has historical connections with Lebanon’s Christians, paved the way of the radicalization of various Muslim fractions in the country.
Furthermore, the training of the Christian dominated Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) by the MNF II alarmed Sunni and Shia militias as they opposed to the idea of PaxAmericana and unfair power sharing in Lebanon. So, unanticipated results such as the rise of Iranian influence on Lebanese politics came into play and hastened the withdrawal of MNF II from Lebanon. In her conclusion, Ghali argues that MNF II was not successful since they deployed into a politically polarized environment. However, this superficial conclusion does not answer the question of whether the U.S. and France consciously used the MNF II as a tool to transform Lebanese politics in favor of their interests.
To sum up, as it is seen in Sinai case, consent of the fighting parties is a prerequisite for the success of MFO or MNF. Those cases demonstrate that different dynamics are in play for inter-state and intra-state conflicts. Lebanon case clearly demonstrates that the ‘hidden’ identity of MNF may have led to escalation and deepening of a conflict.
This short article aims to develop a critical perspective on Mona Ghali’s article: Non-UN Peacekeeping Operations in the Middle East. As it is stated in Ghali’s study, the presence of the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) in the region dates back to 1982 when non-UN peacekeeping forces deployed in Sinai and Beirut.
To begin with, raising criticisms of the MFO in Sinai is possible with the critical reading of the Camp David Accords and the March 1979 Peace Treaty. Whereas Anwar Sadat inferred that the Accords resolved the return of the all lands confiscated after 1967, returning the Sinai to Egypt was sufficient for Menachem Begin. Apart from the ambiguous nature of the Accords, the last article of the 1979 treaty, which is based on the freedom of navigation in the Gulf of Suez, the Gulf of Aqaba and the Strait of Tiran, prioritizes Israeli economic and security interests.
Following the expiration of its mandate, UNEF II withdrew from the Sinai in 1979. Without mentioning why, Ghali argues that the UN forces were unproductive. The author also implies that an anticipated Soviet Union veto for the deployment of the UN force in Sinai was the main motive behind the creation of MFO. However, the reason behind potential Soviet Union veto remains intact.
The formation and structure of the MFO is another matter of debate. Mostly Anglo-Saxon countries and the U.S. dominated countries supported this initiative. The U.S appoints the Director General of the MFO. In addition to these, the military and economic contributions of the U.S. are far more than the other supporters. Also, the Observer Unit of MFO evolved from the U.S. Sinai Field Mission all members of which were U.S. citizens. So, provocative ideas such as that Egypt had become neo-imperialisms latest victim and that the MFO treaty is the subordination of Egyptian interests to US security interests should be reviewed.
Furthermore, the Protocol of August 1981 assured that the withdrawal of the MFO would require both parties’ approval. That is to say the withdrawal of an international force from Egyptian territory is impossible without the consent of another country. How would it be related to the concept of territorial sovereignty?
Without any doubt, President Sadat consciously changed the nature of the political climate between Egypt and its former Arab allies, and the image of his country, by becoming a U.S. ally. But how has the presence of the MFO in the Middle East changed the image of U.S. in the region? The Multinational Force (MNF) in Beirut may provide an answer for this question.
The first MNF successfully fulfilled its responsibility by evacuating Palestinian and Syrian fighters from Lebanon in 1982. However, the problems arose with the deployment of the MNF II. As its duties were not clearly set and its avoidance of the sui generis conditions of Lebanese society, the MNF II became one of the fighting sides in the country.
However, it was predictable that American and French-dominated structure of the MNF II might escalate the tensions in this ethnically diverse and politically polarized country, and jeopardize the impartiality of the force. The author rightly quotes from Kamal Salibi that the tension between Arabism and Lebanism was the main pillar of the conflict in Lebanon. Therefore, the deployment of French forces, which has historical connections with Lebanon’s Christians, paved the way of the radicalization of various Muslim fractions in the country.
Furthermore, the training of the Christian dominated Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) by the MNF II alarmed Sunni and Shia militias as they opposed to the idea of PaxAmericana and unfair power sharing in Lebanon. So, unanticipated results such as the rise of Iranian influence on Lebanese politics came into play and hastened the withdrawal of MNF II from Lebanon. In her conclusion, Ghali argues that MNF II was not successful since they deployed into a politically polarized environment. However, this superficial conclusion does not answer the question of whether the U.S. and France consciously used the MNF II as a tool to transform Lebanese politics in favor of their interests.
To sum up, as it is seen in Sinai case, consent of the fighting parties is a prerequisite for the success of MFO or MNF. Those cases demonstrate that different dynamics are in play for inter-state and intra-state conflicts. Lebanon case clearly demonstrates that the ‘hidden’ identity of MNF may have led to escalation and deepening of a conflict.
September 14, 2010
artik yordunuz...
Artik yordunuz... Referandum icin dagittiginiz rusvetler, cevirdiginiz dolaplar, oyuna bile sahip olamayan muhalefet lideri ve irkciligin dislerini gostermeye her zaman hazir olanlar. Yarattiginiz bu karmasa ve kargasanin icinde dusunemez olmusum. Her birimizin onceden belirlenen bir tarafi ve buna gore oynamamiz gereken roller vardi. Hayir diyen darbeci Evet diyen aptaldi. Ve biz bu topraklarda beraber yasamak zorunda oldugumuzu gormemek icin cabaladik. Kibarlik yapip cabaladik diyorum ama kendi adima konusacak olursam ben ne darbeciyim ne de referandumda evet dedim. Sizler tepisirken ben kullanacagim oyu anlamlandirmak icin bu ulkenin en saygin bilim insanlarinin yazilarini okuyordum. Sandikta benimle ayni dogrultuda oy kullanan insanlarin bir bolumuyle adimin ayni cumlede gecmesi bile benim icin utanclarin en buyugudur. Fakat sunu da belirtmek isterim, artik yalniz ve guzel ulkemde siyaset yapma alani tek bir gucun elinde toplaniyor ve haliyle daraliyor. Benim tamamen karsisinda oldugum sagci ve muhafazakar bir zihniyetin kafesine giriyoruz. Kiz arkadasiyla elele tutustugu icin parktaki genci dovduren adamlar simdi yargiyi ele gecirdiler. Alevilere zorla Sunnilik ogretmek isteyenler simdi biraz daha guclendiler. Iscileri Taksim'de ve Kizilay'da coplayanlar simdi baskanlik sisteminden soz ediyorlar. Kurtlerin temsilcilerini muhattap almadan acilim yapmaya kalkisanlar hepimizin telefonlarini dinliyorlar. Bu memleketin irkcisindan, ulusalcisindan yeterince tiksindim, tiksiniyorum. Bu nefretimi muhafazakar iktidarindan mi esirgeyecegim?
Artik yordunuz... Kurtlerin, Alevilerin, iscilerin ve yoksullarin haklari icin cabaladiklarini soyleyenler cemaatin iktidariyla cilvelesiyorlar simdi. Gucun karsisinda hizaya geciyorlar. Onumuzdeki yillarda yasayacagim ulkeyi belirlemek icin ugrastigim su zamanlarda benim icin once buyuk bir uzuntu sonra da motivasyon kaynagi oldu bu geride biraktigimiz 10 gun. Kusura bakmayin, bireysel iliskilerinizden, kurumsal iliskilerinize kadar kocaman bir guvensizlik, ruhsuzluk, tasralilik ve paranoyaklik uzerine kurdugunuz bu cumhuriyet benim cumhuriyetim degil. Dini sorunlarinizi yasaklarla, etnik sorunlarinizi silahlarla, siyasi sorunlarinizi hamasetle cozmeye devam edebilirsiniz. Universitelerde turban serbest olsun dedigimde AKP'li, Kurt sorununu silahla cozemeyiz dedigimde PKK'li, referandumda Hayir dedigimde askerci dediginiz BENDENIZ savundugu siyasi dusunce ne olursa olsun cigeri bes para etmeyen ve suratlarina tukurmek istedigim adamlarla ugrasmaktan artik gercekten yoruldum.
Artik yordunuz... Bugun belki de bundan sonra, Turkiye'ye sadece turistik ziyaret icin gelmemi gerektirecek olan is basvurumu yaparken boyle duygular icindeydim. Kabul edilirim veya edilmem orasini bilemiyorum. Ama bildigim bir sey var, ben artik bu sosyal demokrat musveddeleriyle, islamcilarla, irkcilarla ve darbecilerle ayni oksijeni solumamak icin canimi disime takmis bulunuyorum!
Artik yordunuz... Kurtlerin, Alevilerin, iscilerin ve yoksullarin haklari icin cabaladiklarini soyleyenler cemaatin iktidariyla cilvelesiyorlar simdi. Gucun karsisinda hizaya geciyorlar. Onumuzdeki yillarda yasayacagim ulkeyi belirlemek icin ugrastigim su zamanlarda benim icin once buyuk bir uzuntu sonra da motivasyon kaynagi oldu bu geride biraktigimiz 10 gun. Kusura bakmayin, bireysel iliskilerinizden, kurumsal iliskilerinize kadar kocaman bir guvensizlik, ruhsuzluk, tasralilik ve paranoyaklik uzerine kurdugunuz bu cumhuriyet benim cumhuriyetim degil. Dini sorunlarinizi yasaklarla, etnik sorunlarinizi silahlarla, siyasi sorunlarinizi hamasetle cozmeye devam edebilirsiniz. Universitelerde turban serbest olsun dedigimde AKP'li, Kurt sorununu silahla cozemeyiz dedigimde PKK'li, referandumda Hayir dedigimde askerci dediginiz BENDENIZ savundugu siyasi dusunce ne olursa olsun cigeri bes para etmeyen ve suratlarina tukurmek istedigim adamlarla ugrasmaktan artik gercekten yoruldum.
Artik yordunuz... Bugun belki de bundan sonra, Turkiye'ye sadece turistik ziyaret icin gelmemi gerektirecek olan is basvurumu yaparken boyle duygular icindeydim. Kabul edilirim veya edilmem orasini bilemiyorum. Ama bildigim bir sey var, ben artik bu sosyal demokrat musveddeleriyle, islamcilarla, irkcilarla ve darbecilerle ayni oksijeni solumamak icin canimi disime takmis bulunuyorum!
September 6, 2010
north gates
rivers pass through her
in a twilight north morning
in that frosty hillside
to the last lights of the city
she sang indigo songs
then shut the city gate
by tiptoeing
rails divided the night
rain was on us, as always
calamities pass through her pen
in a red north summer
in that immigrant district
in number 35 or Rinkeby
in an old-bus or under a graffiti
she depicted bloody exile stories
then salty water of bitterness, aspiration and anger
touched to her lips
rails divided the night
then north gates
were widely opened.
December 3, 2009
Malmo-Stockholm train
P.S: P.S: I am thankful to my friend, Karianne Francoise Lundgaard, for her encouragement to translate my poems into English.
in a twilight north morning
in that frosty hillside
to the last lights of the city
she sang indigo songs
then shut the city gate
by tiptoeing
rails divided the night
rain was on us, as always
calamities pass through her pen
in a red north summer
in that immigrant district
in number 35 or Rinkeby
in an old-bus or under a graffiti
she depicted bloody exile stories
then salty water of bitterness, aspiration and anger
touched to her lips
rails divided the night
then north gates
were widely opened.
December 3, 2009
Malmo-Stockholm train
P.S: P.S: I am thankful to my friend, Karianne Francoise Lundgaard, for her encouragement to translate my poems into English.
olive and keffiyeh
i had an olive tree
branches of which
reached out to the mediterranean
i was a keffiyeh
salty, tired and sweaty
in my lands
they opened the doors
to remotes
then curtains were off
i had a country
my hands are reaching ahead to it
i am a rebellious keffiyeh now
hugging all winds of the
i am listening to the sound of Jerusalem
on my olive trees:
blood spots... blood spots
March 15, 2010
branches of which
reached out to the mediterranean
i was a keffiyeh
salty, tired and sweaty
in my lands
they opened the doors
to remotes
then curtains were off
i had a country
my hands are reaching ahead to it
i am a rebellious keffiyeh now
hugging all winds of the
i am listening to the sound of Jerusalem
on my olive trees:
blood spots... blood spots
March 15, 2010
the song of no: 1825
she fetched me a new city
we put up bored-umbrellas
drank rains
i gave her small light beacons
we stepped to smiling streets
and felt sleepy:
made a blanket
by our skins
i fetched her a dream
and new coincidences
we passed through
murmur sleeps
she whispered me the secret of her hands
and new touches
February 10, 2010
Washington, DC
we put up bored-umbrellas
drank rains
i gave her small light beacons
we stepped to smiling streets
and felt sleepy:
made a blanket
by our skins
i fetched her a dream
and new coincidences
we passed through
murmur sleeps
she whispered me the secret of her hands
and new touches
February 10, 2010
Washington, DC
pavement stones were dewy
when she came
and oldie ghosts were
in a deep sleep.
she came and snuffed out
all the street lamps on duty
i touched the exhaustion of the city
over her shoulders
she was placid
a city undressed with her...
morning laid between us
as a grey gulf
when she sidled up to me
she had left all her storms
off the coast
had become tranquil
Kıvanç (April 16, 2010
Washington DC)
September 5, 2010
Yoko Ono agaci...
Bir gun yollari asacagim ve ona olan biteni anlatacagim. Orta Dogu sokaklarinda onu Lubnan'a benzettigimi soyleyerek baslayacagim. Isvec gecelerinde uzayip giden kelimelerin anlamindan bahsedecegim. Ama soylemek istedigim en guzel cumle sonda olacak. Simdi Washington DC'de bir agacin dalinda usulca sallanan o cumleyi ona fisildadigimda belki o buyulu mesajin anlamini anlar ve bana gulumser....
Evet. Bana yeni bir hayat ver. Icinde mavi, yazi ve..... olsun.
Evet. Bana yeni bir hayat ver. Icinde mavi, yazi ve..... olsun.
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